Bratislava Music Agency
Záhumenská 3/A
841 06 Bratislava 4
Словацкая Республика
Children's choir "Zvonky" was founded in 1998 in the Music School Hulin by Mgr. Dana Zapletalová collaboratively with accompanist Mgr. Lenka Polášková. The choir performs at the regular spring and Christmas concerts and other events of the school, it also cooperates with the Smetana Hulin choir, children's choir Moravské děti Holešov, Philharmonic Orchestra of Bohuslav Martinu Zlin and brass orchestras Hulíňané and Morava ZUŠ Hulín. Zvonky participates in international competitions regularly. The choir has acquired gold medals at international festivals in Olomouc, Prague, Nový Jičín, Bratislava and Vienna. The latest achievement is the gold medal and class winner award at the International Festival of Advent and Christmas Music in Bratislava in December 2010 and at the International Competition Riva del Garda in Italy in 2012. For it’s 15th anniversary a CD called Věneček písní (Wreath of songs) was released.
Miroslav Uhlíř vyštudoval Konzervatórium Evanjelickej akadémie v Olomouci, kde v roku 2009 absolvoval v odboru hra na trombón. Od roku 2008 vyučuje na Súkromnej základnej umeleckej škole D-MUSIC v Kroměříži hru na dychové nástroje, spev a zborový spev. Tu v roku 2010 založil detský spevácky zbor Myši a myšáci. O rok neskôr vznikol prípravný spevácky zbor myšky. Od roku 2010 spolupracuje na Zmiešanom speváckom zbore Morava Kroméříž.
назад на список ансамблейBratislava Music Agency
Záhumenská 3/A
841 06 Bratislava 4
Словацкая Республика