Bratislava Music Agency
Záhumenská 3/A
841 06 Bratislava 4
Словацкая Республика
We are inviting Gregorian Scholas from all over the world to take part in The 9th International Gregorian Chant Festival held in Bratislava from October 24st – 27st, 2024. The Church acknowledges Gregorian chant as specially suited to the Roman liturgy: therefore, other things being equal, it should be given pride of place in liturgical services.(Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, Article 116).
The mission of the event is to communicate this idea and to support new interpretation of Gregorian Chant in line with the latest Gregorian semiology knowledge. The focus will be on the Holy Mass with Gregorian Chant featuring all the festival singers. We particularly invite all the singers as individuals and Gregorian scholas from and the Czech Republic to create a community of believers singing together at the liturgy in the Jesuit Church in Bratislava on Saturday, October 26, 2024 at 6 pm. During the liturgy, Prof.Dr. Franz Karl Prassl from Graz will conduct the choirs and the mass will be celebrated by Bishop Mons. František Rábek, Chairman at the Bishop’s Conference of Slovakia for Science, Culture and Education. A joined rehearsal with prof. Prassl for the liturgy will be in the Jesuit Church in Bratislava on Saturday, October 26, 2024.
Bratislava Music Agency
Záhumenská 3/A
841 06 Bratislava 4
Словацкая Республика